Package Description
With this purchase you will receive the Archaeologist rank, which includes...
- /KIT ARCHAEOLOGIST (30 Day Cooldown)
Bone Armour Enchanted with protection 5 & mending, 1 Iron Sword enchanted with sharpness 5, Iron Tools with Efficiency 2 and Unbreaking 1 ,1 Cross Bow with power 1, 32 Arrows, 16 Tranq Arrows, 2 Repair Kits, 2 Canteens, 32 Hearty Feast, 16 Beer, 2 Medkits, 2 Bandages, 1 Bola, 2 Grenades, 2 Smoke Grenades, 10 Taming Kibble, 32 Torches, 32 Coal, 1 Fishing Rod & 16 Worms, 32 Bullet Casings.
1 Random Dinosaur Egg (16% chance of T-RexEgg)
- /SETHOME - Access to five (10) sethomes rather then one (1).
- /FEED - 30 Minute cooldown, fills hunger bar exclusively.
- /HEAL - 90 Minute cooldown, fills health and hunger bar exclusively.
- /TOP - Allows the user to swiftly teleport to the highest surface above them.
- /RTP - 10 Minute cooldown, randomly teleports player in overworld
- /REPAIR - 1 Day cooldown, repairs player's tool
- /ECHEST - Allows you to access you enderchest from anywhere.
- /NICKNAME - Allows you to change your display name. (WITH COLOUR)
- /DINOHEAL - Allows you to heal all dinosaurs within a 15x15 radius of yourself. (3 Hour Cooldown)
- /DINOFEED - Allows you to feed all dinosaurs within a 15x15 radius of yourself. (3 Hour Cooldown)
- /DINONAME - Allows you to change your dinosaurs display name, with colours (15 Minute Cooldown)
- Allows the user to breed dinosaurs on a shorter cooldown (4 days to 3)
- A colourful red prefix, [Archaeologist]